Monster Girl Dreams Mods

  1. Monster Girl Dreams Mods Pc
  2. Monster Girl Dreams Mods Sims 4
  • The girls are all really cute and the dialogue and writing really ain't half bad considering. I'm definitely gonna tip Redamz 10 bucks on Patreron at some point in the near future to get some updates on the progress and to be able to get a full copy of the game when it comes out.
  • Find games for Android like Monster Girl Maker, Contract Demon, Glitch in the System, Gacha Club Studio, Mindustry on, the indie game hosting marketplace.
    • FemaleGender
    • YoungAdultAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • LeadSignificance

    The current Monster Lord, and Luka's travelling companion. She is somebody that mostly acts cynical, but is still young enough to have her childish tendencies, especially when it comes to food.

    For her voice: She is always criticizing everything and everyone involved with Ilias, yet it always has that underlying seductive tone.

    Even among monsters and humans, there are only two types.

    Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others.

    Crappy skills learned from crappy people will still be crappy, even when combined. You idiot.

    It was a fun journey, Luka. The days I spent going around the world with you...they were the happiest of my life. Now end this journey with your own hand. Since it's you, I can keep my resolve...

    • FemaleGender
    • YoungAdultAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    One of the Four Heavenly Knights and Queen of the Succubi. She is probably the who cares about her job the least, preferring a life of fighting in the Colosseum in Grand Noah. As such, she views most fights as simply playing around, and uses the power of wind to that effect. While she prefers using pleasure attacks as a succubus, she feels like they hold her back in a fight, a willing choice she makes to fight someone on equal ground. She's carefree and rarely ever shows her full strength to her opponent.

    For Her Voice: It must be some cross between playful and seductive.

    Aw~! That's not a very cute face~! Let's change that, shall we~!

    I think I'll make this fair and give you a fighting chance. I'll beat you using only my tail~. No hands, feet, or magic~.

    • FemaleGender
    • YoungAdultAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    A goddess that has been worshiped by humanity for centuries, Ilias is not your normal deity. Because she was alone for millions of years, she's become slightly yandere for humanity, and any being that stands in the way of her being worshiped is to suffer her unending wrath.

    She acts as Luka's guide in the beginning of the story, but later becomes the main villain as she wishes to remake the world with humans that will only remain faithful to her, and exterminate the older humans and monsters.
    For Her Voice: She mainly tries to play the peaceful goddess everyone thinks her to be, but there's always some underlying hint of malice against monsters.

    What I feared most has come to pass; seduced by the Monster Lord, you have yielded to her wicked will. After having favored and watched over you for so long, only to be betrayed like this...I am unable to hide my disappointment in you. Luka, you are unqualified to be a hero.

    Played with by the fox monster? How pathetic...But she is an enemy too formidable for you to fight at the moment. She has too much HP for you to deal with as you are now, but there's no need for you to deal with all of it. Once you reduce it to a certain amount, something might happen...

    • MaleGender
    • MiddleAgeAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    Luka's uncle, and leader of the terrorist organization Ilias Kreuz. Despite his calm and charismatic nature, anyone that's talked to him considers him insane. He was a former member of the party that took down the previous Monster Lord, Alice XV. But after her death, her daughter attacked out of rage and killed two of their party, leaving just Lazarus and Luka's father Marcellus. He's led the organization ever since the death of Marcellus.

    For His Voice: He's the shady guy you never want to meet in a dark alley. Make of that what you will.

    Oh? Do you know who I am boy? I didn't know I'd become so popular with the kids. *sigh* Anyway, I'm not doing anything here. I'm just taking the desert route back to Gold Port so I can rest at our headquarters there.

    The most important thing for justice is persuasion. If you can't persuade anyone your justice will fail. ...My path can't be changed anymore. My friend was killed by monsters...

    The way you walk, it's obvious your used to quickly moving around as you fight. But on the other hand, you're chest and arms are still underdeveloped. It seems as though you don't have much combat experience, but what you have experienced has been done in a pretty short amount of time.

    • FemaleGender
    • YoungAdultAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    One of the Four Heavenly Knights and Queen of the Slimes. She hates the whole of humanity and is not afraid to make it known. She the result of over 10,000 slime spirits controlled by a single iron will. Due to repeated interactions with Luka, her attitude shifts from wanting to destroy humans to helping them make the world a better place for slimes.

    For her voice: Basically try to be a more emotional female Itachi Uchiha (still mostly monotone, but with an underlying tone of anger).

    I wasn't lying when I called this a suicidal move; some of the lives in me did die.

    Leave this continent quickly. This explosion will cause a chain reaction and annihilate the entire continent.

    • FemaleGender
    • MiddleAgeAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    Granberia is one of the Four Heavenly Knights, and a master swordswoman. She is the only one who seems to take her job seriously. Rather than use pleasure attacks like most monsters, she prefers a fair fight with a sword, and will not hesitate to tell you when you are outmatched.

    For her voice: It must be some kind young, yet gravely tone. (The only reason it says middle aged is because that's the closest I could describe her voice.)

    I've lived for the sword since I was born! I'll show you the results of my lifetime of training!

    You call that arm wrestling? Hah. Looks like you were just trying to hold my hand...pervert.

    I want to see if the others were exaggerating about your abilities. I'll confirm it with my sword.

    • MaleGender
    • MiddleAgeAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    A war hardened veteran, this is one king that nobody wants to mess with. Instead of hiding behind his pawns, he's out fighting with them, and has earned quite the reputation from it.

    For his Voice: A prime example of what I'm looking for would be a calmer version of the Raikage from Naruto.

    ...Traveler, I wish to ask you something that must remain confidential. This is important. If it gets out to the citizens, it will be a huge incident.

    Withdraw everyone from the castle! Also, draw all the gates down, locking the vampires in! Do not let a single one out into the town! Once withdrawn and secured, mobilize the entire army north to meet the approaching battalion! I leave command of the army to you! Do not forget to request aid from our allies!

    No matter how well you disguise your appearance, the scent of blood will never fade...and there are many more of you here.

    • MaleGender
    • YoungAdultAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • EnglishAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    At first glance, he seems like a reliable guy, but due to being young and lazy, he lacks the feeling of a ruler when he is first introduced. Because of this, he has no experience actually running his country due to imprisoning the Queen Ant and left all of the government work to the Ant Girls under him.

    For his voice: Think of Ryou from Yu-Gi-Oh, and you'll have what I'm looking for.

    I were the traveler that was able to defeat the Golem Girl! Able to defeat're amazing. I want to hear more stories of your adventures! Heart pounding, blood pumping stories of adventures and heroics!

    • FemaleGender
    • MiddleAgeAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • EnglishAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    The tenth queen of Grand Noah is somebody that likes to observe from the shadows of her city. Her city's Colosseum has turned into a rape show where men only enter just to be raped, and she's pretty tired of it. Rather than trying to jump Luka's bones, she carries herself with grace and elegance that few other characters possess.

    For Her Voice: It should sound like someone experienced, but not old enough to be called 'old' by any means.

    As you can see, Grand Noah's proud Colosseum has turned into something horrible. The only ones to win are monsters. Every so often, there's a human contestant, but it always ends the same way. Since I took up the throne fifteen years ago, there has been no human victor yet. I don't discriminate against monsters...but that fact is still depressing.

    • FemaleGender
    • ChildAge
    • EnglishLanguage
    • AnyAccent
    • 0Paid Amount
    • SupportingSignificance

    Though she looks like a child, she is the oldest of all of the monsters, including Alice. Because she was one of the original six ancestor monsters, she was tricked into sealing herself with the original Monster Lord. She found a way around this seal, however, and the side effect was that she was stuck in a child's body with a fraction of her original power. When she uses up her power after temporarily unsealing herself, she regresses to the mind of a child.

    For Her Voice: While she looks and sometimes acts like a child, she is still a very powerful adult. Her voice should convey a wisdom not normally seen in a kid.

    So you're Luka, huh? Defeating Nanabi... You must have some skill... *pause here*

    Indeed, this is the Poseidon's Bell. Crossing over to Sentora is so annoying, so I'm taking this with me. Honestly, it doesn't really matter to me. But Alma Elma is so annoying.

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It is important to know how content is created in Monster Girl Dreams first, to understand how you will be modding. To start, you will not be coding in python. Instead, you will be utilizing a custom data-driven modding environment Threshold specifically made for developing content, in a text file format called JSON. Monster Girl Dreams MOD Ported to Android - you play as a male adventurer, recently graduated from the adventurer's school, Adventum! Now you have to adventure across the continent of monster girls' hometowns, Lucidia, in an attempt to get rich, or begin trying to obey. Also defeated the Demon Queen. Name: Monster Girl Dreams. Navigate to game/Mods/ from the base folder of Monster Girl Dreams, where you found the game executable.Advanced Special characters Help Heading Format Insert Drop files here Extract file for the mod and place its default mod folder (which contains multiple subfolders) into.

Monster Girl Dreams may contain content you must be 18+ to view.


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Remember to update your save in town.

Note: This update will break all mods until those mods get updated to work with the changes made.


-Tabitha's art by Jiffic is now in game.

-Bubble Slime's art by Jiffic is now in game.

-Preemptively set up systems for color-shifting the player's art in lewd cgs to come eventually.

-Added a 'Player Appearance' button in options that allows you to adjust the colour of the character for lewd cgs, as those don't exist yet, this is there as a test bed for people to mess with the system. This system is still a work in progress, so things may change. The torso for this was made by ADOPOLICH.


-Exp boost effects are now halved with loss exp effects. To accommodate for them working correctly now.

-Running away is now done in turn initiative, with a massive bonus to going first, this allows monster counters to actually affect your run away attempt as it says in the modding docs.


-If you surrender, you now auto fail stat checks when they pop up, which is to say, they are bypassed entirely and you enter the fail path for them with no chance to spend energy to resist.

-You can now click and drag any scroll bar by clicking/tapping in the box and moving up or down, this doesn't work if you hit any buttons inside the box. This should aid in menu navigation on android especially. So long as you tap right of the combat menu as you drag it will move the most recently opened menu. Special thanks to Noeru.


-Added SetFetish field, which sets a fetish to the value given. This is primarily for resetting addictions, but could be used in other ways. Keep in mind this change is PERMANENT and cant be cleansed at the goddess statue. So be very careful with it.

-Additions have been changed to globally require a related feild, 'Addition': 'Yes', in the file, instead of the addition field being split across multiple random fields between different file types which should hopefully alleviate confusion. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater. Be sure to update your mods with this!

-Blank examples have been added to all file types, as well as blank addition examples. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.

-GetEventAndIfChoiceIs is now GetEventAndIfChoice for consistency and so I stop typing in the wrong thing causing needless issues. Be sure to update your mods with this!

-The monster line triggers 'onOrgasm' and 'onEdge' are now 'OnOrgasm' and 'OnEdge' for consistency with other line triggers. For this and the above you can likely use cntl-shift f to find and mass replace the changes.

Monster girl dreams mods modDreams

-Added the 'Player': 'Yes', field to pictures in monsters files, to mark the image as the 'player' so it is recoloured via the colour shifting system in lewd scenes. Probably wont be useful to modders overall.

-Completely reorganized the games internal skill folders to be much easier to navigate for both me, and modders alike, as before they were an absolute atrocity when trying to find a skill you wanted as an example.

-RefocusOnInitalMonster to RefocusOnInitialMonster.

-ChangeBGM-OverideCombatMusic to ChangeBGM-OverrideCombatMusic


Monster Girl Dreams Mods Pc

-Edits and Revisions to Tabitha's scenes by WilliamTheShatner.

-I went over and Edited Galvi's content a bit to make it all flow together a bit better, mostly the intro stuff.

-Assorted typo and editing fixes.


-Fixed Loss Exp and Exp boosting effects stacking incorrectly as all hell.

-Trisha's titfuck combat event now drains your energy and heals her like the stance would if you cum.

-Melting Dark Matter Cascade's hit tracker now resets properly, meaning you wont get slapped with effects despite dodging it.

-Fixed Calamity Rush not clearing its name properly in Venefica's fight.

-Some issues with losing to Aiko and her art displaying incorrectly should now be fixed.


-Fixed Vili and her phantasms battle music, it now plays properly again. And wont crash your game.

-Fixed being unable to talk to Mika about her financial situation in a menu due to an improper menu call.

-Aiko now gets properly naked when you cuddle her and bed-chan at the same time.

-Manticore Spike's can now be used if your opponent is restrained.

Monster Girl Dreams Mods Sims 4

-Fixed purging Vili's Curse potentially crashing the game if the value was really high.

-Fixed a weird bug report pathing thingy on android.


8 days ago
8 days ago
monstergirldreams.program-2370-universal-release.apk530 MB

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