Xkas Tool

Oct 11th, 2017

Xkas Tool For Mac Warpsharp For Mac Netextender Download For Mac Cs 3d Imaging Software For Mac Ue4 Packaging For Mac On Windows Pioneer Bdr-206dbk Driver For Mac Color Blindness Primarily Affects Drivers Ed Derek Sivers Anything You Want Epub. Asar is a Super Nintendo assembler based on xkas v0.06. It's the assembler used primarily on SMW Central. Asar's got a freespace finder, will ask for filenames if double clicked, can use parentheses and proper priority in math, can assemble SPC-700 and SuperFX codes, and has many, many other neat little features. A turorial how to apply.asm patch files to SNES roms with xkas.I used an SMW rom and the 6-digit coin counter patch as an example.xkas: http://www.smwcentra. XCA is an x509 certificate generation tool, handling RSA, DSA and EC keys, certificate signing requests (PKCS#10) and CRLs. It supports a broad range of import and export formats.

ToolXkas ToolTutorial
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  1. ;this file made for xkas
  2. ;variable locations (these are lowrom addresses) (these addresses should match the ones on the include below)
  3. !CodeOffset = $B08000
  4. !SetBank = #$B1
  5. !SetBank2 = #$B2 ;should always be 1 more than SetBank1 (not sure if it's same with HiRom)
  6. !MapOffset = #$8000
  7. !ColBank = #$B3
  8. org $B18000
  9. incbin introfiles/intro.map
  10. org $B39000
  11. ;start of rom position, should be 00:FF00 if it's HiRom (use LunarAdress to tell which it is)
  12. JMP !CodeOffset
  13. org !CodeOffset
  14. CLC
  15. SEP #$30
  16. LDA #$00
  17. PLB
  18. STA $2100
  19. STA $2101
  20. STA $2103
  21. STA $2106
  22. STA $2108
  23. STA $210A
  24. STA $210C
  25. STA $210D
  26. STA $210E
  27. STA $210F
  28. STA $2110
  29. STA $2111
  30. STA $2112
  31. STA $2113
  32. STA $2114
  33. LDA #$80
  34. LDA #$00
  35. STA $2117
  36. STA $211B
  37. STA $211B
  38. STA $211C
  39. STA $211D
  40. STA $211E
  41. STA $211E
  42. STA $211F
  43. STA $2120
  44. STA $2121
  45. STA $2124
  46. STA $2126
  47. STA $2128
  48. STA $212A
  49. LDA #$01
  50. LDA #$00
  51. STA $212E
  52. LDA #$30
  53. LDA #$00
  54. LDA #$E0
  55. LDA #$00
  56. LDA #$01 ;auto read joypads
  57. STA $4200
  58. STA $4201
  59. STA $4202
  60. STA $4204
  61. STA $4206
  62. STA $4208
  63. STA $420A
  64. STA $420C
  65. REP #$30
  66. LDA #$03
  67. LDA #$01
  68. LDA #$00
  69. LDA #$01
  70. ;JSR $2201
  71. LDX #$8000
  72. LDX #$1801
  73. LDX !MapOffset
  74. LDA !MapBank
  75. LDX #$0C00
  76. LDA #$01
  77. LDA #$00
  78. LDX #$2200
  79. LDX !ColOffset
  80. LDA !ColBank
  81. LDX #$0200 ;512 colors
  82. LDA #$01
  83. JSR Jump1
  84. ;copy first half #$8000
  85. STX $2116
  86. STX $4300
  87. STX $4302
  88. STA $4304
  89. STX $4305
  90. STA $420B
  91. ;copy bottom half #$6000 in size
  92. STX $4302
  93. STA $4304
  94. STX $4305
  95. STA $420B
  96. STA $2100
  97. JSR Jump2
  98. CMP #$10
  99. {
  100. LDX #$0030
  101. Jump3:
  102. LDY #$FFFF
  103. Jump4:
  104. BNE Jump4
  105. Jump5:
  106. LDA $4212
  107. BEQ Jump5
  108. Jump6:
  109. AND #$01
  110. LDA $4218
  111. BNE Jump7
  112. ;BNE Jump3 ;don't wait for keypress
  113. SEP #$20
  114. AND #$80
  115. LDA #$0F
  116. Jump10:
  117. DEC A
  118. JSR Jump2
  119. CMP #$00
  120. LDX #$0000
  121. ;old code from beginning of unchanged rom
  122. XCE
  123. REP #$10
  124. Jump1:
  125. Jump11:
  126. AND #$80
  127. PLA
  128. Jump2:
  129. Jump8:
  130. BNE Jump8
  131. pha
  132. sep #$20
  133. ; sta.l $4200
  134. Vloop:
  135. and #$80
  136. ; sta.l $4200
  137. plp
  138. rts
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